
Friday, November 20, 2015

Balls Breaker - new World 5 and some fixes!

Just after adding World 4 to Balls Breaker I couldn't stop and I added next new world... World 5! In the same update I have changed the balls skin in World 4 (yeah, now World 4 is much more original :)). I also fixed (oh, I really hope that I fixed it...) some of the crashes.

So, let's play Balls Breaker! I am going to add more features in the next updates :)

Get it on Google Play

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

New World 4 in Balls Breaker!

Many of you asked me (for a very long time) for more levels in Balls Breaker. I was thinking a lot how to build new levels. From the very beginning the idea was to create new world, that is similar to others, but the gameplay is different. Different doesn't mean not challenging or not funny :) To be honest it is always hard task :)

Finally, I took the risk and designed new, challenging (I hope :P) World 4! In this world balls mechanic is (again) different than in other worlds. You need to re-thing the strategy of breaking the balls. Difficulty has also changed, because balls are flying around the screen in a little (yes) different way ;)

I hope you will enjoy new World 4 in Balls Breaker. World 4 is not the last world. I am going to add more worlds soon.

There will be also some other changes (good changes :)) in the next updates. Yes, game is not dead, it is still under development :)

As usual, thank you all for the support. I really appreciate it. This is something that motivates me.


And.. link :)

Get it on Google Play

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Leaderboard and achievements in Magic Jewels!

It was a busy time :) I just released a new version of Magic Jewels v1.80. There are quite a lot of changes. First of all I have added integration with Google Play. Now you can sign in with your Google account. When you are signed in you can compete with all the players around the world. You can also collect achievements. There will be more achievements in the future :)

Yes! Leaderboard and achievements are the biggest changes in this update.

There are some new options available in the main menu screen:

- sign in/sign out  - you will be automatically signed in on the game start, but you can always sign out and you will still be able to play the game;

- leaderboard - see the online scores;

- achievements - see the achievements;

You can also see your game progress from the level finished/failed screens.

Ps. Don't worry, signing in is not something "required". If you don't want to be signed in, just sign out from the main menu :) You can still play the game without signing in.

I hope you will like this update. In the one of the next updates, hopefully, I am going to add new levels and worlds. So, lets get some achievements :)

Get it on Google Play

Friday, June 26, 2015

A little update

Hi all :) I hope you are doing well! I haven't written for some time. I would like to assure you that I am still alive and I am still working on the games :) Here is what is happening (more less :)).

I know that some of you claim that it is extremely hard to pass the hardest levels. In the last updates I have balanced the levels, but it seems that it is still not enough. So, in the next update I will propose the next solution. It still won't be so easy to pass the hardest levels, but it will be a little bit easier to make the progress. Noone (including me :)) likes to play the same level over and over. This is "must fix" in the next release :)

Another thing is that I am working on new worlds. Currently there are available 3 different worlds. I have some idea, but it is still not complete :) 

Next thing is "achievement system" :) Yeaaah... this is the "feature" which I miss a lot. The question is "Would you like to have achievements?".

I am also thinking about some scoring system so you could share your results to friends etc.. Do you think this is a good idea?

Once again, thank you all for your support and comments (even for 1 star comments :P). I really appreciate it. A lot of your comments helped me to fix a lot of issues with the games. Without you my games wouldn't look like they look right now.

Thank you.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Holidays!

Easter Holidays 2015! 

I have just made an update of Easter Eggs 2 game. This game was designed from the scratch and was initially released a couple of months ago. This is seasonal game (that is why I haven't mentioned this game too often), but.. I hope you enjoy it :)

We added some cool graphics and extended the gameplay. As usual, if you have any questions don't hesitate to send me an email or leave a comment under this post.

Ah... and the download links :)

Hope you enjoy Easter Eggs 2 :)

Happy Easter Holidays!